Man Tea - Loose Leaf Artisanal Tea
Man Tea - Loose Leaf Artisanal Tea Man Tea - Artisanal Loose Leaf Tea Man Tea Man Tea Man Tea Man Tea

Loose leaf tea.

A manly black tea, smooth and smoky, custom made for the man who loves real tea. A robust blend of three organic black teas: Earl Grey, English Breakfast, & Lapsang Souchong. Nice iced or hot!

Nini O's Tea Tip
Morning Tea: Hot Man Tea with a drop of milk and a dash of honey. Afternoon Tea: Iced Man Tea with lots of ice, and sweetened with agave. 


Available in Classic Tin (3.5 oz), Refill Bag, Window Tin, Apothecary Jar, One Pot Sample, and One Pound Bag. 

* Please note: Our Classic Tin makes between 35-50 cups…less than 50 cents a cup!
Classic Tin (3.5oz)
$ 21.00